Computer Science

Computer science has produced numerous innovations that have significantly changed our lives, such as personal computers, the Internet, the web, social networks, smartphones, and tablets to name a few. And many others, such as wearable computing and self-driving vehicles, are on the horizon. The Computer Science Department’s graduate program is designed for preparing the future leaders of this exciting and dynamic discipline. The Computer Science Department offers an excellent environment for research and education in all major areas of computing. Through research, courses, and special topic seminars, graduate students have a high degree of interaction with the department's excellent, world-renowned faculty, as well as opportunities for interdisciplinary research. Course offerings in the graduate program reflect emphases in the computing foundations, systems, and applications. One of the most important aspects of the program is the wealth of 'hands-on' research opportunities for students. Graduate students have access to specialized research facilities in Bioinformatics, Cloud Computing, Computational Science and Engineering, Computer Architecture, Computer Science Education, Data Mining and Machine Learning, Databases, Foundations and Algorithms, Human Computer Interaction, Intelligent and Interactive Systems, Networking, Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Security, Software Engineering, Wireless Networking, and Vision. For more information please see


Mailing Address

Department of Computer Science
University of California, Santa Barbara
Harold Frank Hall, Second Floor, Room 2104
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5110