Fee Waiver

Fee Waiver

Waive Fees with California College Promise Grant (CCPG)

The majority of Sierra College students are eligible for the CCPG Grant. It is available to California residents and non-residents (AB 540 students) who meet specific income eligibility requirements.

Fees Covered by CCPG


Duration of Fee Waiver

The CCPG fee waiver will be in effect for the academic year (fall, spring, and summer). There are no minimum or maximum unit requirements.

CCPG Methods, Qualifications and Waived Fees

CCPG Method A

To qualify for a CCPG under Method A, you or your parent(s) must currently be receiving one of the following:

You must show proof of your current benefits. Use the following documents as proof of current benefits:

Waived Fees
Method A will waive the following fees:

CCPG Method B

To qualify for a CCPG under Method B, you or your parent(s) must meet household size and income standards. View the 2023-24 Promise Grant Income Standards.

Waived Fees
Method B will waive the following fees:

The Student Center Fee and Health Services Fee will not be waived.

CCPG Method C

To qualify for a CCPG under Method C, complete the FAFSA form. We will use your FAFSA to determine your eligibility for the California College Promise Grant. If you are eligible, we will automatically award you the California College Promise Grant Fee Waiver.

Waived Fees
Method C will waive the following fees:

The Student Center Fee and Health Services Fee will not be waived.